Sleipner seismic modelling

Project area on the seis machine: /arkiv/arkiv2/barn/Project/Sleipner
See the real data library for Sleipner data.


  1. Arts et al. (2000) - Geophysical methods for monitoring marine aquifer CO2 storage–Sleipner experiences 01_arts_et_al._2000_.pdf
  2. Chadwick et al. (2004) - 4D seismic imaging of an injected CO2 plume at the Sleipner Field, central North Sea 02_chadwick_et_al._2004_.pdf
  3. Chadwick et al. (2005) - 4D seismic quantification of a growing CO2 plume at Sleipner, North Sea 03_chadwick_et_al._2005_.pdf
  4. Zumberge et al. (2005) - A Sea Floor Survey of the Sleipner Field to Monitor CO2 Migration 04_zumberge_et_al._2005_.pdf
  5. Arts et al. (2005) - Ten years’ experience of monitoring CO2 injection in the Utsira Sand at Sleipner, offshore Norway 05_arts_et_al._2005_.pdf
  6. Arts et al. (2004) - MONITORING OF CO2 INJECTED AT SLEIPNER USING TIME LAPSE SEISMIC DATA 06_arts_et_al._2004_.pdf
  7. Chadwick et al. (2005) - Geological reservoir characterization of a CO2 storage site: The Utsira Sand, Sleipner, northern North Sea 07_chadwick_et_al._2005_.pdf
  8. Hayek et al. (2009) - Modeling vertical stratification of CO2 injected into a deep layered aquifer 08_hayek_et_al._2009_.pdf
  9. Lindeberg et al. (2009) - Determination of the CO2 storage capacity of the Utsira formation 09_lindeberg_et_al._2009_.pdf
  10. Bickle et al. (2007) - Modelling carbon dioxide accumulation at Sleipner: Implications for underground carbon storage 10_bickle_et_al._2007_.pdf
  12. Hermanrud et al. (2009) - Storage of CO2 in saline aquifers –– lessons learned from 10 years of injection into the Utsira Formation in the Sleipner area 12_hermanrud_et_al._2009_.pdf
  13. Chadwick et al. (2006b) - Calibrating reservoir performance with time-lapse seismic monitoring and flow simulations of the Sleipner CO2 plume 13_chadwick_et_al._2006b_.pdf
  14. Chadwick et al. (2006a) - GEOPHYSICAL MONITORING OF THE CO2 PLUME AT SLEIPNER, NORTH SEA 14_chadwick_et_al._2006a_.pdf
  15. Zweigel et al. (2004) - Reservoir geology of the Utsira Formation at the first industrial-scale underground CO2 storage site (Sleipner area, North Sea) Google books link
  16. Ghadari and Landrø (2009) - Estimation of thickness and velocity changes of injected carbon dioxide layers from prestack time-lapse seismic data 16_ghaderi_and_landro_2009_.pdf
  17. .
  18. Torp et al. (2002) - CO2 UNDERGROUND STORAGE COSTS AS EXPERIENCED AT SLEIPNER AND WEYBURN 18_torp_et_al._2002_.pdf
  19. Baklid et al. (1996) - Sleipner vest CO2 disposal, CO2 injection into a shallow underground aquifer 19_baklid_et_al._1996_.pdf
  20. Arild Buland - Relative amplitude processing - Theory and processing methodology
  21. Martin Landrø - 4D seismic (chapter 19 in the book “Petroleum Geoscience: From Sedimentary Environments to Rock Physics”)21_4d_seismic_-_martin_landro.pdf
  22. T.E. Rabben - Non-linear Bayesian inversion of seismic reflection amplitudes (Ph.D. thesis, NTNU)
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