Seismic Imaging

This is the internal wiki for seismic imaging at IPT.


At the moment two systems (in addition to MATLAB) are used for code development. Spl is a collection of seismic imaging program written in Fortran90, while Madagascar is a more modern system for development of seismic imaging codes. We will stop using spl for development and switch to Madagascar, and hopefully be able to port some of the spl code into Madagascar.


A collection of synthetic and real data is permanently stored on the file server. An overview of the data and models available is found here:

To get access to the data or to add another dataset Log in with user: “msim” and password: “Ukep7759”. The directory containg the data is :“/volume1/msim/Datalib”. The collection will hopefully increase with time.

Compute servers

The compute server is a medium sized linux cluster. Data or code is not stored permanently on this server, only on a project basis. However working copies of software for seismic imaging are installed on this machine for daily use. is a small linux-machine which is mainly used for seismic processing and as a repository for source code. A closer description is given on the hardware page.

internal.txt · Last modified: 2015/01/13 13:57 by chenlong
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