Seismic Unix at NTNU

Seismic Unix is processing package suited for research in seismic imaging. Documentation is found at Seismic Unix's home page:

Using SU

A local copy of SU is installed on To use this version of SU edit the .bash_profile file in your kongull home directory and add the following

export CWPROOT

This command will then be executed each time you log in. Type

. $HOME/.bash_profile 

to execute the first time. Then type


If you get a brief explanation of suwind on the screen, SU is working.

SU source code

A local copy of SU is installed on with file path:


with the corresponding source code at the same place. This code is intended only for browsing, and should not be used for development.

su.txt · Last modified: 2014/04/13 11:09 by barn
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