
Our research areas are in general very computer intensive, involving the needs of severe and large calculations. Our main computing hardware is the Kongull cluster, in addition to advanced multi-core desktop computers. Kongull is financed by different departments at NTNU, and is therefore not a member of the NOTUR project.

Kongull is a three rack cluster, having in total 101 nodes. Five of these nodes are loing and I/O nodes, and the remaining 96 are the compute nodes. Each nodes is equipped with 2x 6-core 2.4 GHz AMD Opteron 2431 (Istanbul) processors, with 6x 512KiB L1 cache and a common 6 MiB L3-cache.

There are two types of compute nodes available, in which only the available memory is the difference. 52 of the nodes have 24 GiB of available memory, while the remaining 44 have 48 GiB. Each node has a local 149 GiB 15000 RPM system disc available.

The communication between the cluster nodes are done using a “Fat tree” network layout. Each node is connected to a central switch with 10GbE SPF+ connectors. In addition can each node communicate with the rest of the world using a 1Gn ethernet network connection.

 Kongull hardware

hardware.txt · Last modified: 2013/01/03 10:36 by espen
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