Video lectures

-Check my youtube channel.


-Compendium on Fluid Production and Injection from Underground Reservoirs.


-Flash-Pack, an utility based on DWSIM to estimate fluid properties, generate compositions to match measured Gas oil ratios and generate black oil tables. Link
-Black-Oil Gen, a MS Excel utility to estimate Black Oil properties and generate tables using correlations. Link
-Multiphase calculator, a MS Excel utility to estimate multiphase flow (liquid-gas) pressure drop and flow patterns. Link
-Waterhammer simulator, a MS Excel utility to estimate transient pressure and liquid flow in pipe and pipe networks. Link
-STANKI, a material balance simulator. Link
-FieldSim, a simulator to produce production profiles based on production potential type curves. Link
-Operate a field using the Field Simulators 1 or 2
-EarlyFieldPlanner: Excel spreadsheets to determine optimal production and drilling schedule that maximize NPV in early phase planning of offshore oil and gas fields.

Code repositories

-Computational routine in MatLab for steady-state modeling of undersaturated oil well with ESP and diluent injection (Master thesis of Ruben Ensalzado),Link
-Computational routine in AMPL for early-phase hydrocarbon field design using optimization (Master thesis of I Gusti Angga), Link

Useful Links and Tools

-Production data of the Norwegian Continental Shelf (Calculated from the npd website) link
-Youtube channel of Prof. Curtis Whitson.
-Tablet teaching by Prof. Curtis Whitson.
-Online plot digitizer
-File manager and explorer: Total Commander
-Search application for local files: Everything
-DWSIM - an Open Source chemical process simulator

Material of past and current courses

-Available here

Some projects, Master and PhD theses supervised by Milan
