Multiflow SUITE MOOC - Smart Utilization of Data for CondItion Monitoring, Operational OpTimization, and Tie-in Design

Homepage of the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC, unlimited participation and open access via the Web) of the Multiflow SUITE project. This course is developed by NTNU in cooperation with the partners of the Multiflow SUITE project.

The course is free.

The course will most likely cover the following topics in varying degree of detail: multiphase flow (MPF) fundamentals, hydrocarbon production fundamentals, tuning MPF models, quantifying uncertainty in MPF models, machine learning (ML) applications within production, development of a machine learning (ML) choke model, flow pattern recognition with ML.

The course is currently under development and it is estimated to be ready by 2025.

Copyright, reuse permission

-More information to come.

Instructions to take the course, read carefully

-Watch the videos on the Youtube playlist in order. At certain time stamps, at the end of the video, or in the video description, the videos have links to: pdf notes, other relevant videos, material and quizzes.
-Tips when watching the videos: Pause when needed. Try to summarize what was presented with your own words. Take notes. Do the exercises by yourself. Read the additional material provided, if any.
-When a quiz is completed, a completion code will be shown at the bottom of the quiz – COLLECT and SAVE the code, this is a proof of completion.
-If you have questions, ask using the Youtube video comments. Hopefully someone will answer it shortly.
-After you have watched all videos and completed all quizzes, go the the website to claim your certificate and input all codes for all quizzes. You MUST pass all quizzes to get your course certificate.

Video Lectures

-Link to Youtube playlist (coming soon).


-Link to claim your certificate (coming soon).