Gullfaks Village 2012



-Statoil´s web page  for the Gullfaks Field

-The Gullfaks database at the department

-The Village Poster

-Kleppe's presentation day 1

-Ane and Corrie's presentation day 1

-Student groups

-Photos day 1

-Statoil docs. day 2

-Photos day 2

-Photos day 3

-Photos day 4

-Photos day 5 (Bergen)

-Statoil docs, day 5

-Photos day 6

-LINUX login

-Photos day 7

-Photos day 8

-Photos day 9

-Photos day 10

-Photos day 11

-Photos day 15



How to extract 10% more oil from the Gullfaks Field?

When the Gullfaks Field came on production in 1986, Statoil planned that 46% of the oil present in the field could be recovered. Today, more than 25 years later, the current plan calls for a recovery factor of 70%. The improvement is due to the technology development since then.  The Gullfaks Village is part of this development, and every year the student groups are addressing new challenges related to better recovery of oil. 

As early as 2000 NTNU and Statoil agreed on establishing an Experts in Team village at NTNU where student groups are challenged to find new solutions to current problems related to the production of the Gullfaks Field.  

The entire database of the Gullfaks Field is installed and regularly updated at the Department of Petroleum Engineering and Applied Geophysics at NTNU. The data will be an important basis for all project work in the village.

The group projects will naturally have a basis in petroleum geosciences and petroleum engineering, however, students from other technology areas are welcomed.
Sufficient training will be given as needed. Each group will consist of students from various study programs in order to form a multidisciplinary team. Each group will be assigned advisors both from NTNU and Statoil.

The second day of the Gullfaks Village a group of experts fra Statoil in Bergen will spend a full day with the student groups presenting current challenges in production of the Gullfaks Field. The actual group projects will be defined by the groups after that. The entire village will go to Bergen early in the semester in order to discuss progress with the advisors from Statoil.

Contact: Professor Jon Kleppe

Redaktør: Jon Kleppe Kontaktadresse: Sist oppdatert: 13.2.12