Extract from International Master's Programmes 2006-2007

TPG5200 Petroleum Engineering and Geoscience, Interdisciplinary Project
Lecturer: Amanuensis Helge Langeland, Førsteamanuensis Pål Skalle
Coordinator: Førsteamanuensis Pål Skalle
Weekly hours: Autumn: 5Ø+7S = 7.50 Cr
Time: Teaching time and location will be announced on the web.
Grade: Letter grade. Compulsory assignments: None

Learning objectives: Students will develop knowledge and expertice across traditional disciplines within exploration and production of oil and gas through a realistic project work. Students will be organized in groups, with students from petroleum geoscience and petroleum engineering.
Recommended previous knowledge: Third semester of the international MSc program in petroleum engineering and petroleum geoscience.
Academic content: The groups will be assigned realistic data from selected oil and gas provinces in the North Sea. The specific content of the project will be defined by the students on basis of a task defined by the industrial partner. To solve the task we have access to oil field data, and to engineering tools used by the industry. At the end of the project, the groups will make a formal presentation of the report for a panel of Professors.
Teaching methods and activities: Exercises (project work) 100%.
Course materials: Description of objectives, required data and references will be handed out.
Assessment: Excercises