NTNU's agreement with Equinor has expired and the Norne dataset is therefore not available any more. These pages are for reference only.

Welcome to IO Center - Norne Benchmark Case

The Norne field case will provide users with a benchmark case based on real data. Hence, this will be an extension to current benchmark cases which are all based on synthetic data. The purpose is to establish this case as a key benchmark for the petroleum industries. It will be used to evaluate and compare mathematical methods for history matching and closed-loop reservoir management.

The benchmark will be hosted and supported by the IO center at NTNU. It is accessible for petroleum research and education in universities in particular related to developments in the area of Integrated Operations (aka Smart Fields, Fields for the Future, Digital Oil Fields, eFields). The Norne field on the Norwegian Continental Shelf is operated by Equinor, a partner of the IO center. The data has kindly been made available by Equinor and license partners.

The main objective of establishing the Norne benchmark case is using real data instead synthetic one, in the petroleum related research which includes:

To get access to the Norne database please go to the License Agreement page.