==== Two-day course on Rock Physics and Seismic Characterization of Shales ==== More information is available in the {{2018:agenda-rose-2018.pdf|agenda}}.\\ Course slides are available {{2018:.pdf|here}}. ==== 25th-26th April ==== Lecturers: \\ Professor Per Avseth [[per.aage.avseth@gmail.com]] \\ Professor Rune M. Holt [[rune.holt@ntnu.no]] \\ Location: aud. P1, S.P. Andersens veg 15A\\ === Course Objectives === The main objective of this course is to link experimental and theoretical rock physics to seismic response of shales as source rocks, within the overburden and as reservoir rocks. === Course Content === Language: English. Presentation material and articles by the instructors will be provided. ==== Day 1 ==== === Morning === Challenges and opportunities of shales in the oil industry. Introduction to shale rock physics: Observations of elastic wave velocities in shales, and how they relate to porosity, mineralogy, stress, temperature and frequency. \\ Shale compaction and rock physics depth trends, application to uplift estimates and pore pressure estimates. === Afternoon === Shale rock physics modelling. Anisotropy and shale behaviour.\\ The role of shale rock physics in AVO analysis (with North Sea demonstrations). ==== Day 2 ==== === Morning === Overburden 4D seismic response: Effect of stress and pore pressure changes.\\ Organic rich shales, gas / oil shales: Rock physics templates, seismic characterization of source rocks with examples from the Norwegian Continental Shelf. === Afternoon === Effects of shales / clays in heterogeneous reservoirs on seismic signatures.\\ Static vs dynamic properties of shales: Impact on geomechanical engineering applications. === Schedule === == Day 1, Wednesday == ^Time ^Activity | |8:30 | Lecture | |10:15 | -Coffee- | |10:45 | Lecture | |12:15 | -Lunch- | |13:15 | Lecture | |15:00 | -Coffee- | |15:30 | Lecture | |17:00 | -End- | == Day 2, Thursday == ^Time ^Activity | |8:30 | Lecture | |10:15 | -Coffee- | |10:45 | Lecture | |12:15 | -Lunch- | |13:15 | Lecture | |15:00 | Wrap-up | |15:30 | -End- | ==== Files ====