15 - 16 May 2001 NTNU Trondheim

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Organising Committee

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Committee Chairman:
Senior Researcher Ton Loermans, tonl@ipt.ntnu.no, phone +47 73 59 49 70.

Committee Members:
Professor Rune M. Holt, runeh@ipt.ntnu.no, phone +47 73 59 49 82 or 47 73 59 11 87.
Professor Ole Torsæter, olet@ipt.ntnu.no, phone +47 73 59 49 41.
Constanze Dingler, nordic@ipt.ntnu.no.

nordic@ipt.ntnu.no, phone +47 73 59 49 70, facsimile +47 73 94 44 72.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Department of Petroleum Engineering and Applied Geophysics
NO-7491 Trondheim